'Why Are We Not Perfect' gathers more press
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Hydra Headlines
4:26 PM
"For nearly 15 years Justin Broadrick shaped music into crushing metallic blows with studied skill as a member of Godflesh. Where fans of that band were drawn into recordings that loomed like an impending disaster from which they couldn’t bring themselves to turn away; Broadrick’s current work with Jesu similarly commands attention, though while shuttling toward something brighter."- Richmond Times
"Justin Broadrick has made a career out of exploring different soundscapes—from the heavy industrial crunch of his former band Godflesh to his current project Jesu."- Heeb HQ
"Avec une régularité impressionnante, Jesu continue à nous proposer chaque année plusieurs productions sortant de l'esprit embrumé de Justin K. Broadrick. J'imagine sans peine la difficulté pour un fan de Broadrick de s'y retrovuer dans toutes les sorties du groupe !"- Thrashocore
"It’s the kind of music that you can totally get lost in, even mesmerized by. Believe me when I say that this music is beautiful, you really have to listen to it to believe it. "- NPC Reviews
"Just try thinking of what you might think “Why are we not Perfect” means, and I’m sure you’ll come up with all sorts of philosophical ideas."- Way Too Loud