as certain things end others rise to take their place, and such is the cycle from time to time with artists and affiliates of hydra head. speaking more specifically, we were saddened when everlovely lightningheart delivered the news that they were breaking up/going into hibernation, signaled by a final performance at this years HHR showcase at sxsw. we've taken heart and great pleasure however, in continuing to work with one of the core members of everlovely, faith coloccia, and her new group mamiffer. mamiffer may bare some surface resemblance to everlovely, retaining some of the textural and melodic aspects of that group, as well as the melancholic fragments of piano dispersed throughout their aural tapestry, but readily apparent is greater degree of cohesion and identifiable structure, as well as more focused attention to detail and meticulous composition. all of the groups compositions are built around the foundational element of piano, supplemented by the addition of any and all of the following: field recordings, tape hiss, bass guitar, mason jars, acoustic and electric guitars, voice, cello, drums and various percussion instruments, bells, violin, etc.
thus far mamiffer has recorded a full length album entitled "hirror enniffer" slated for release on hydra head in september (cover pictured above), as well as material for a slew of split EPs. the line up for the album features the core of coloccia joined by drummer chris common (of these arms are snakes, who also engineered and mixed the album at red room, seattle), with additional contributions from brain cook (these arms are snakes), aaron turner (isis), ryan frederiksen (these arms are snakes), annie hozoi matheson-margullis (helms alee), etc. other members of the band include travis rommereim and daniel mccoy, who have already or will contribute to future mamiffer releases such as the upcoming split cassette with oakeater (due out on dead accents in the very near future). also upcoming are a few select live performances with house of low culture and hemingway to coincide with the release of the album. included in the potential string of split releases in the works for mamiffer are team ups with tiny vipers, helms alee, and house of low culture, all of which will be spread across various labels and formats.
more info on mamiffer, pictures and sounds may be found here