"To any and all interested, Helms Alee will be embarking on our first tour this coming July '08. Plans are to lay waste to the entire west coast of the united states in a week's time. The tentative dates are....
WED July 16 - Portland, Or
THU July 17 - Or/NorCal
FRI July 18 - Bay area
SAT July 19 - Los Angelos area
SUN July 20 - San Diego
MON July 21 - southern california
TUE July 22 - bay area
WED July 23 - Or/norCal
As you can see, this is all unsettled so if anyone would like to help with a show, please bring it!
-Helms Alee"
Helms Alee new album Night Terror is scheduled for release on August 5th. You can hit up their Myspace for further info