"Let's just get this out of the way right now: 'Daughters' is a ferocious album. The guitars on this bastard sound insane ... kind of like if the sound a car engine makes when it won't start raped a dentist drill. Or a dentist drill raping a megaphone. The disc isn't overwhelming like the band's previous releases, and has strange, eerily psychedelic moments of psychosis. It's rife with riffs and breaks like heroin. There are even ethereal moments. It would remind you of Dillinger Escape Plan crossed with the Mars Volta. Sounds strange, but this is one of the best albums you'll hear in 2010." Noisecreep
Exclusive to the pre-order are 5 new Daughters t-shirts based on the s/t album artwork... and we've made them more than affordable on our webstore! Only $10.00 each... So, why would you pass that up?