Just when you get to the age where sitting in traffic and switching back and forth from the conservative to the liberal talk radio station sounds more appealing then sifting through the bush-league releases of the day, Daughters comes through with an untouchable new record absolutely snuffing out your now-so-surly being. Bumper to bumper, late for work, window down and more and more your thinking that a cigarette and a beer coupled with these stellar jams would end all right now!
Because that is exactly the kind of record Daughters' s/t is, the kind you can't stop turning up... The kind that satisfies every cultural / musical requisite a critical listener possesses while simultaneously reinventing the wheel... The kind that's so immediately gratifying that you don't even bother to compare your instincts with what today's internet has to say... The kind you won't have to remove from your automobile's CD player for months on end...
None of that, “this band is my fine art project, musicianship is secondary because I am an artist foremost” garbage included... This is what the dudes in Daughters do and that fact has never been more apparent than in this record... Because, this time around, they absolutely nailed it! s/t is a ten.

Daughters s/t Tracklist
1. The Virgin
2. The First Supper
3. The Hit
4. The Theatre Goer
5. Our Queens (One Is Many, Many Are One)
6. The Dead Singer
7. Sweet Georgia Brom
8. The Unattractive, Portable Head