Extracted from the dank and murky swamps of south Florida, Laid Insignificant is brought forth anew, resplendent in all it's misanthropic glory. With remastered audio and added tracks from the original session, herein is a document of paroxysm of the aural variety, sounding just as virile and ornery as it did the day it was birthed. While the climate of any Cavity album could be considered hostile, Laid Insignificant has proven to be the most unhinged and ferocious occupant in the Cavity stable in the 10 years subsequent to it's original release. With added emphasis on faster tempos, layered chordal discordance, and an overall air of frantic desperation, this may stand if not as Cavity's best album, then certainly as their most furious and scathing.
Now, while *VERY* limited quanitites last, get yer new Cavity CD with a limited-edition, 11"x14" Lambda print that is signed and numbered by Dan of Cavity. The print is of a photo Dan took for the CD layout, and will only be available as part of this pre-order deal. As if there was anything that could make this deal any sweeter, we've also been told that everybody who orders this print will get a little extra surprise with their order. We're not going to tell you what it is ('cause then it wouldn't be a surprise, silly), but you're gonna love it if you get it / be very sad if you miss out.
What's more, until March 30th you can add a limited-edition t-shirt or hoodie to your Cavity CD + print order. fter March 30th, you'll still be able to buy the CD + Print (if any are left), but NOT the Cavity shirts or hoodies. Sorry! No, Really...
Track Listing:
- Laid Insignificant
- The Woods
- 9 Fingers on the Spider
- Marginal Man
- I May Go
- Spine I
- Spine II
- A Bitter Cold Spell