You can check out info about the gallery and the show here (click on “Diary” for the show):
Thanks to Tetsuya and Kanke for setting up the show, and thanks to the nice folks at Hydrahead (Aaron, James, Mark, Chel, etc.) for helping me make some dreams a reality (latest Lambda print, postcard set and CAVITY shirt!).
Last thing I wanted to mention is that I’m looking for an old, working Polaroid Land camera (any of the 100 series, see information below from Wikipedia). If any of you happen to have one, get in touch with me at: I’d be willing to trade it for records or artwork, or maybe we can work out a deal. Thanks!
100 Series Pack Cameras
These cameras were developed after the rollfilm models and were designed to use the newly developed 100 series pack film. Like with the Swinger, the film sandwich was pulled out of the camera to develop outside of the camera, but instead of two separate rolls, the film was built into a compact easy loading film pack which contained 8 exposures. Hard body plastic models were marketed later a low cost alternative to the more expensive models with bellows. There are 4 generations of folding colorpack cameras the 100, the 200, the 300, and 400 series. Though pack film is still produced and used actively worldwide, Polaroid announced in 2008 the discontinuation of all of its film by 2009. Fujifilm still produces its version of Pack film which is compatible with Land pack film cameras.