Its been a loooooooong time since we done up a Hydra Head exclusive fact, we're pretty sure its been just about 9 years or so. The last one came free with our first (and only, thus far anyway..) Hydra Head zine. Although we don't have a copy in front of us, we're pretty sure Jupiter hadn't even been released at that that we think about it, Aaron and Mark still ran the label out of Aaron's dirty ass apartment way the fuck up that hill in Roxbury, MA. Shit, A-Ron mighta still been a dreaded vegan straight edge hardcore kid at that point! Boy, oh boy...those were the days....we'll have to dig up some pics for our next zine (coming Fall 2015!) or maybe we'll just get Mark lit and record him telling stories for our 3rd official sampler (coming Winter 2012!)...but we digress...
What we have here is a week 'n a half hustle come to life. Exactly 6 business days ago, Jimmy, in a fit of early mornin' brainstorming, said something like "we should do a cassette comp for Fuck Yeah Fest.". (We've got a booth at FYF Fest tomorrow which were looking forward to farting around at and selling shit for way cheaper than you can find it anywhere else...and if you want to do more than buy shit you could always stay and watch some bands...we hear Torche and Converge and playing...) And so just like that we got the access code from Turner, fired up the ol' hype machine, and were delivered a 104 minute long tracklisting loaded with nothing but Hydra Head stuff....we're talking recent, rare, and totally totally unreleased shit from the likes of Oxbow, Daughters, Pyramids with Nadja, Hayaino Daisuki, Torche, Harvey Milk, Jodis, Nihill, Cave In, Kayo Dot, Keelhaul, Clouds, Xasthur, Pet Genius, GREYMACHINE, Zozobra, Big Business, Bergraven, and The Austerity Program. We gotta admit, we're pretty darn pleased with ourselves....
The rest all happened so fast...Jimmy snapped a pic of our customer care technician giving the hype machine a once over, threw together the layout, got the bands all saying 'go for it', and next thing you know its 5 days later and the lot of us are picking on the our new Japanese intern while having assembling party for the very items you see in the pic above.
We've got 300 of them for tomorrow, free with purchase. If you seem like a nice person we might even just give you one. If you seem like a nice person who also outs the names and contacts for masked online shit-talkers and/or album leakers then we'll definitely hook you up with one.
Depending on the turnout tomorrow we might have some left over for Chel's List and Vacation...but we ain't making any guarantees on that just yet.
The first 10 people to correctly name the upcoming Hydra Head album that we reference in the title of the comp, get a copy sent to 'em...send all responses to

Artist: Various
Title: Songs From The Hydra Head Hype Machine Volume 1...or Did We Mean Hawaiin Souvlaki?
Format: Cassette
Release Date: September 5th 2009
Side A:
Oxbow "Curse" from upcoming Fuckfest CD/LP reissue
Daughters "The First Supper" from upcoming CD/LP
Pyramids with Nadja "Another War" from upcoming CD/LP
Hayaino Daisuki "Shibito" from upcoming CD/LP
Torche "Sugar Glider" from Healer/Across The Shields 12"/DVD
Harvey Milk "Blueberry Dookie" from upcoming s/t CD/LP
Jodis "Continents" from upcoming Secret House CD/LP
Nihill "Mundus Subterreanus" from upcoming Krach CD/LP
Cave In "Retina Sees Rewind" from upcoming Planets of Old CD/DVD
Side B:
Kayo Dot "Whisper Ineffable" from upcoming Coyote CD/LP
Keelhaul "THC for One" from Keelhaul's Triumphant Return To Obscurity CD/2xLP
Clouds "New Bombs" from upcoming B Chuggas May Be Logging 12"
Xasthur "A Lesson In Drowning" All Reflections Drained 2xCD (Japanese)
Pet Genius "Video Stills" from unreleased Club Awesome session
GREYMACHINE "Wasted" from Disconnected CD/2xLP
Zozobra "Bird of Prey" from Champions of Sound 2x7"
Big Business "The Drift (Biz Bot remix)" from Biz Bot Remixes 12"
Bergraven "Hunger" from Til Makabert Vasen CD/2xLP
The Austerity Program "Song 20 (The River)" from Song 20 (The River)/Song 1 7"