We're pleased as punch that FYF Fest just added Torche to their line up for this year. The event has become a staple here in town with the cool kids...(so the fact that us old farts are psyched about it probably means the hip kids are totally over it now)...but no matter, the more the merrier we say, and from the looks of it Sean and co. are putting on a beast of an event next Saturday September 5th at the Los Angeles State Historic Park just outside of LA's Chinatown.
Not only are we psyched to see Torche for the second time in a month, but we also get to see Converge (hopefully) play a shitload of stuff of their new album. Shit, we'll be psyched even if they only played the stuff of their demo tape from like 40 years ago. Word on the street is that Dillinger is gonna be added, Mark is giddy about seeing Har Mar Superstar, and we gotta admit we're curious as hell to see Cold Cave after finding out Wes from American Nightmare and Dominick from Prurient are both in it.
Way way back in the day we used to set up shop at fest's our bands would play...like Krazy Fest, and that one in Burlington, VT that Simon from Drowningman used to do that we can't remember the name of...so we figured we'd give the ol' merch booth thing a go just to get our chops back up into fighting shape or whatever. Except this time out we've got the new regime behind the wheel...namely, Chel Vanin. If yr reading this then yr probably on Chel's List, and if yr reading this then you've probably also seen Chel on our youtube channel, and if yr reading this AND going to FYF Fest then yr probably definitely gonna stop by to see if he's real. We assure you, he is. But come and see for yrself. We're thinking of setting up something on the side like, "Kiss Chel Vanin For $1" or perhaps even "Tickle Chel Vanin For $1". We'll see...
Word on the street is that we'll a new release available....and it'll probably be limited...and those that don't go and get it will probably be pissed and whine about it not getting it....but more on that later!
FYF Fest tickets are available on their site and also through our store Vacation.