Premiere "Healer" Video on Headbangers Ball This Weekend

The superchunky "Grenades," "Healer," and "Across the Shields" thrash out hefty hooks so flawless that Josh Homme just woke up in a cold sweat. - Spin Magazine
As our friends from Florida tour the States with metal legends Harvey Milk, Miami's TORCHE have just announced their phenomenal new video for"Healer" will premiere this Saturday night on MTV2's Headbanger's Ball at 2am EST. We'll be sure to send this around to the masses once we can.
* Stream Torche's most recent full-length record, Meanderthal, here! or Torche's most recent 12" single here
Torche Live!
w/ Harvey Milk!
7/17 Indianapolis, IN @ Emerson Theatre w/ Young Widows, Ice Nine, Coliseum
7/18 Chicago, IL @ Subterranean w/ Young Widows
7/19 Columbus, OH @ Ravari Room
7/20 Cleveland Heights, OH @ Grog Shop
7/21 Buffalo, NY @ Tralf Music Hall
7/23 Toronto, ON @ Lee's Palace
7/24 Montreal, QC @ La Sala Rossa
7/25 Cambridge, MA @ Middle East Downstairs w/ Cable
7/26 Brooklyn, NY @ Music Hall of Williamsburg w/ Pollution
7/27 Philadelphia, PA @ First Unitarian Church
7/28 Washington, DC @ Rock and Roll Hotel w/ Nitroseed
7/30 Charlotte, NC @ Milestone
7/31 Atlanta, GA @ EARL
8/1 Athens, GA @ 40 Watt Club
8/2 Tampa, FL @ Czar w/ House of Lightening and Averkiou **
8/5 Hollywood, CA @Knitting Factory w/ Big Business **
8/22 Henrico, VA @ Hadads Lake (Best Friend's Day) **
* = no Harvey Milk