He's been teasing us for YEARS that he's got new projects in the works. As singer of Discordance Axis throughout the 90's Jon Chang made a name for himself by fronting (and, notably, designing everything for) one of the undergrounds leading, and most enigmatic, grindcore outfits. Their final full length, 1999's "The Inalienable Dreamless", simply owned...and still does after 8 years. The 8 years thing is where the problem lies for DA's and Chang's die hard fan base...they've waited that long for something new from him. In 2005 he gave 'em all a taste , if only a small yet very satisfying one, with one track from Gridlink, his internationally assembled project with members of Japanese outfits Mortalized and Disconformity. And then nothing more was offered...there were sporadic updates through his production and animation company, Studio Grey, but it seemed most of his time had been regularly devoted to his plethora of animation (Scratch Trigger Era) and gaming design (Black Powder Earth) interests. That is until he unexpectedly introduced yet another new band, Hayaino Daisuki, earlier this year...where Gridlink is in many ways an extension of his work with DA, Hayaino Daisuki is an extension of what presumably drew him to his genre in the first place. Much to our disbelief and content, Gridlink and Hayaino Daisuki both entered the studio last month and, in punk rock style, completed two new records in a matter of days. Needless to say, we are pleased to announce the debut releases from both bands in early 2008...Hayaino Daisuki will likely come first...the tracklistings, artwork, and all the gory details for both releases will be announced as they are confirmed. Stay tuned.