Ex-ter-mi-nate! On the heels of their latest full-length, Abandoned Language, MC Dälek and beat-master Oktopus unfurl a collection of dream-like instrumentals, ten-ton remixes (including Enon’s unforgettable “In This City”) and scarce gems from the last seven years. Deadverse Massive Volume 1 is no odds n’ sods collection, but rather an addendum to a body of work that already rests comfortably atop underground hip-hop’s proverbial heap. Over the ominous grind of metallic friction and industrial-strength beats, MC Dälek flows like silk on glass, foregoing all the usual hip-hop lyrical conventions for something darker, more textural, and infinitely memorable. Did we mention that this is Hydra Head’s first hip-hop release? Well, it is. Then again, our man Oktopus has already appeared twice in the Hydra Head Remix series, reinterpreting the work of both Isis and Knut with exceptional results. So when you think about it, these dudes were pretty much part of the family all along.
Track Listing:
- Megaton (Deadverse Remix)
- Angst
- Ruin It, Ruin Them, Ruin Yourself, Then Ruin Me (Deadverse Remix)
- Vague Recollection
- Desolate Peasants
- Rouge (Deadverse Remix)
- 3:46
- In This City (Deadverse Remix)
- Music for ASM
- Streets All Amped
- Ascention
- Maintain
- Back to Burn