When Knut was over here in 2001 for a US tour with Isis they used to hate how we insisted on speaking French to them. See, the thing is, our French sucks. On the other hand, their French does not suck, and neither does their band. They've been killing it for 10+ years at this point over 2 EPs, 3 full lengths, a remix record, countless European tours and one legendary US jaunt (where some clubs billed them as Kunt, something we still get quite a kick out off...). So hopefully the recent departure of one time bassist-turned guitarist, Jeremy, doesn't slow their recent prolificity (dictionary.com says that is a word, but we still can't seem to pronounce it). Fear not ye faithful, Knut cannot be killed...although it may be a bit before we see a new record. Damn it. In the mean time, if you read French, you can read an interview, a review of Challenger, and a review of Terraformer at Shootmeagain.com. Since we really can't read French all that well (expect for the one creepy French guy on the staff) we'll assume these are good write ups...hugs and kisses to our Swiss brothers.