After many long hours spent swimming through a pool of tedious emails regarding our recent merchandise liquidation (ie: stuff we have sitting around at the office and should get rid of) only to come across many failed sales attempts, I discovered that most customers don’t follow through with merchandise unless there is a “Buy It Now” button. So here is your new official Hydra Head “Buy It Now” button to access all the crazy cool limited merchandise, CD’s, LP’s and other random and sometimes rare stuff that dwells in the caves of the Hydra Head Offices. http://stores.ebay.com/HydraHeadShop is our new outlet for freeing up space in our offices and feeding your hunger for limited and reduced priced Hydra Head Items. No longer will you have to pay half of your paycheck to some fat burrito-eating dude who lives off of selling our, and probably everyone else’s, limited products for ridiculous prices on ebay. The store prices will be mostly liquidated prices. What you see is what we got ladies and gentlemen, take it. From time to time we’ll add new items that we have floating around, so stay tuned.
PS: The pic is of Hymie's mini-van, that he drove into the wall across the street from our office. awesome!