Our memory is pretty baaaaaad these days, but we're fairly certain this is the first string of five The Austerity Program dates in possibly forever. None of us in the office can recall them playing five shows in a row on consecutive days. We think that maybe they did this with Daughters several years ago, and possibly with the 5ive nearly a decade ago (Justin was VERY sweaty and caffeinated at the Allston, MA show. It was funny), and perhaps a they did this in 2003 on the Champions of Sound super tour with Pelican, Scissorfight and Harkonen, but we're too busy moving units right about now to ask all knowing The Google if its true or not. What is true is that they are playing tonight, tomorrow, the day after that and then the day after that! Git to it if you know what's good for ye. Tell Drum Machine we said hi.
5/15 Brooklyn, NY @ Union Pool w/ Coliseum, The Year is One (Buy Tickets)
5/16 Bethlehem, PA @ Secret Art Space w/ Coliseum, Gods and Queens
5/17 Philadelphia, PA @ Kung Fu Neck Tie w/ Coliseum, Gods and Queens (Buy Tickets)
5/18 Boston, MA @ Great Scott w/ Coliseum, Gods and Queens (Buy Tickets)
5/19 Providence, RI @ AS220 w/ Coliseum, Gods and Queens (Buy Tickets)
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