Heres to the Future, a brand new full-length cassette release, by our man Steve Brodsky is now available for pre-order on the Hydra Head store!!! The cassette is limited to 100 copies, so just like pretty much everything we o'er at Hydra Head produce, you might want to act quickly if you want to get your hands on one of these things.
Also, if by chance you missed the blinding red banner in the image above... until 3/23 the Coupon Code: FUTURE gets you 20% on anything Steve Brodsky related at the HH webstore... so that means anything Cave In, Octave Museum, Pet Genius, Stove Bredsky or Stephen Brodsky solo project related merchandise is 20% off!!! which is a wicked good deal if you ask me.
lastly, if your over purchasing limited physical formats and or your impatient, you can purchase the album on itunes now!