And we go.
Now available for order 3 new Ocrilim releases:
1. Ixoltion, 2. Sacreth, 3. Hymns
Written and recorded mostly in the year of Annwn 2007.
10$ each.
25$ for all 3.
Throw in for postage if you can.
These are being produced on a budget with very primitive packaging.
Those familiar with "Rainbow Supremacy" or "Neerdeth" know what to expect packaging wise. Minimal hand illustrated discs. Limited to when orders stop, or when I get sick of making them.
Need to get these recordings off my back.
Support the cause, if you care.
Spread the word if you are the type of person that enjoys spreading things.
paypal demon: mithboth@yahoo.com
email me there if no paypal.