Announce Free Scion Shows in LA and Atlanta w/ Coalesce & Cave In Announce CD-EP Release of "Planets of Old!"

This is it! This is your chance man!... Whether you reside in the Virginia-Highlands area, Little Five Points, Orange County or the greater Los Angeles area... Finally, you can, and entirely in good faith, say that you've seen these fabled outfits perform... Leading the conversation in a direction that won't expose you as someone who wasn't into the bands when they were actively touring becomes a thing of the past!... and then, maybe you can tell us how it feels to look your peers straight in the eye? I mean straight in the eye... that necker at the coffee shop... Because that's what these tour dates are all about man! turning the tables... friggin' turnin em'... But, one thing hasn't changed, money can't buy this kind of empowerment... Literally...
This priceless piece of mind is FREE for individuals who RSVP and make it to the venue before the thing fills up. Think about it for a moment, no distance traveled is too great for a hundred thousand hours of feeling like you are better than someone else, right? So don't miss this one!... and remember, Hydra Head Loves You very... very... very... very much!

If the previous bit of text threw you for a loop, don't get down. For simplicities sake I've highlighted the things you should walk away from this post knowing:
- Yes, Cave In is back together and playing live shows!
- Yes, Hydra Head recently released a limited Cave In 12" titled, "Planets of Old!"
- Yes, the 12" is the first new material that Cave In has recorded in over four years!
- Yes, "Planets of Old," due to popular demand, will be made available as a CD-EP in early 2010!!!

Planets of Old CDep-Tracklisting:
1. Cayman Tongue
2. Retina Sees Rewind
3. The Redtrail
4. Air Escapes
“Everyone in this room is very privileged,” announced Allston, Massachusetts-based sludge-metal act Phantom Glue's bassist Nick Wolf a mere hour and a half before mighty hardcore mavens-turned-prog metallers Cave In played their first show in four years. Wolf was hardly the only one feeling that way. When Cave In first announced that they'd be reuniting for a small club show at Allston, Massachusett's Great Scott, a tiny-ass, PBR-fueled venue a mere block from this writer's apartment, I knew it wasn't just a “privilege,” it was fucking fate. - Revolver
Cave In Live!
w/ Coalesce (Free w/ RSVP!)
October 7th The Masquerade Atlanta, GA
October 8th The Knitting Factory Los Angeles, CA
1. Cayman Tongue
2. Retina Sees Rewind
3. The Redtrail
4. Air Escapes
“Everyone in this room is very privileged,” announced Allston, Massachusetts-based sludge-metal act Phantom Glue's bassist Nick Wolf a mere hour and a half before mighty hardcore mavens-turned-prog metallers Cave In played their first show in four years. Wolf was hardly the only one feeling that way. When Cave In first announced that they'd be reuniting for a small club show at Allston, Massachusett's Great Scott, a tiny-ass, PBR-fueled venue a mere block from this writer's apartment, I knew it wasn't just a “privilege,” it was fucking fate. - Revolver
Cave In Live!
w/ Coalesce (Free w/ RSVP!)
October 7th The Masquerade Atlanta, GA
October 8th The Knitting Factory Los Angeles, CA