6/19 Vancouver, British Columbia @ Commodore Ballroom w/ Helms Alee, Mamiffer
6/20 Seattle, Washington @ Neumo’s w/ Thrones, Mamiffer
6/22 San Jose, California @ The Blank Club w/ Helms Alee, Mamiffer
6/23 San Francisco, California @ Great American Music Hall w/ Helms Alee, Mamiffer
6/24 Los Angeles, California @ Henry Fonda Theater w/ Helms Alee, Mamiffer
If your unfamiliar with these supporting Hydra Head outfits, let me do you a solid and do you some familiarizing... we here at HH don't want you looking like a wet blanket at the big social south of something street this saturday. right!

MAMIFFER is kinda like the new and improved EVERLOVELY LIGHTNINGHEART, in that its led by a key member of ELLH (Faith Coloccia) and the song structures are more deliberate/solidified. Aaron Turner (of ISIS) and Travis Rommereim (also of ELLH) are the other permanent fixtures in the group... Aaron do guitar, Travis do percussion, Faith do piano. MAMIFFER's HH debut, "HIRROR ENNIFFER," features a revolving cast of seasoned musicians: Brian Cook (THESE ARMS ARE SNAKES), Hozoji Annie Matheson-Marqullis (HELMS ALEE, LOZEN) Chris Common (THESE ARMS ARE SNAKES) and Ryan Frederickson (THESE ARMS ARE SNAKES). "HIRROR ENNIFFER," maintains the artful ambiguousness of an EVERLOVELY LIGHTNINGHEART release while walking the line of musical tangibility... and that ain't easy.
Check out Mamiffer's-"Hirror Enniffer" here:

"NIGHT TERROR," HELMS ALEE'S debut full length on Hydra Head, is the kind of record, that upon first listen, irks at you for not having heard it already... You know... hearing it immediately makes you think to phone your savvy boatsman of a buddy, thinking maybe you can be the first in-the-know this time. so you do... and he says he saw em play the other week... but us, the omniscient readers, know that he hadn't seen em the other week or heard of em for that matter... he was at home watching arrested development like the rest of you local blowhards, which is acceptable, maybe.. either way, looks like its high time to move out of your hometown... anywhooo, back to Helms Alee: Ben Verellen (HARKONEN), Hozoji Annie Matheson-Marqullis (LOZEN) and Dana James exudes a brilliant range of vocal and guitar tonalities on, "NIGHT TERROR. It is as heavy as it melodic and nothing is lost in the exchange.
Check out Helms Alee's-"Night Terror" here: