When we first met Oxbow frontman Eugene Robinson we were reasonably in awe of the guy...it wasn't a case of fear or intimidation, or whatever you'd think your Spidey senses would pick up when around him, it was how we were continually amazed by all the shit he'd do outside of Oxbow but which he'd never mention even in passing that he'd done. (And we're talking about stuff that we CAN reference here...the stuff we know better than to even bring up is, well...lets just say its the sort of stuff you get nervous just knowing). One example was when Larry from Pelican's dear sweet lady emailed us a pic several years ago of a billboard outside their Chicago neighborhood and asked if dude on the billboard was Eugene from Oxbow. Sure enough it was Eugene... all smiling and acting like BankOne was THE bank for him. Then other things would pop up...like any of the, what seems like, hundred’s of guest spots he does throughout each year...or like the time we found out he was in a major motion picture (that we sorta don't want to admit he's in), or when he’d mention fight club’s as though we didn’t hear about them in movies, or when he’d nonchalantly mention he chatted with Thurston at Oxbow’s SXSW show, or the fact that he interviewed sitting President William Jefferson Clinton not once, but twice (we think). We recall hearing of a beer commercial directed by Gus Van Zant (which we’ve never seen)....then there is the ‘scene’ stuff which without question makes him respected by those that used to knock the wind out of our sales at Fury of Five shows...'American Hardcore', the oral history book of, you got it, American hardcore, has a pic of Eugene fronting his old band Whipping Boy in NYC...this was way back before you were born, or at least before you hit elementary school....back before the Beastie Boys went hip hop (he’s got stories), before he was immortalized at those Bad Brains (out on DVD) and SSD (the back cover of “Power”) shows, before the Misfits played THAT show in San Fran (yep, stories), before he had a run in with the man (even more stories) and certainly before the high power editorial positions and writing accolades started to come in....and through it all he still finds time to do things we have no idea about until he’s done them. Today its Totimoshi’s new video which he’s popped up in much to our surprise...and what do you know, he’s fighting in it...