Black Friday

Wes decided that he doesn't want to write this text right now so it's being dicated by James via Nick.

We're selling shirts again. Fuckin buy 'em.

(now being dictated by Dupey)

This is part 2 of the shirt blowout. This involves a "buy one item and get the second item of equal or lesser value at a discounted price". This discount also applies to people who have already placed orders from the first blowout. Here's the breakdown:

$13, second is $6.50

Long Sleeves:
$17, second is $12

$23, second is $15

Zip-up Hoodies:
$26, second is $20

We need to get rid of a lot of stock and we have added new designs for Khlyst & Stephen Brodsky's Octave Museum preorder merch.

CLICK HERE to see the inventory. Contact DUPEY for availability and ordering information.

(James again)
we have spent the last ten minutes debating how to word the sentence about dub sacks and reserving t-shirts. Its friday night, i want tacos, so please, don't flake on us like Dewey is going to flake on Bryce tonight. Monday is going to be interesting. Wes says "party time".