Pyramids main man, R. Loren, just can't seem to not curate the most unexpected yet totally exhilarating collaborative projects and releases....first he showed up a few years back with Pyramids 's/t', a double album loaded with not only a sound that's becoming increasingly his own, but with a heady mix of unique and out-of-left field collaborators...everyone from Jesu to Birchville Cat Motel to James Plotkin shows up on the remix bonus disc. And then a year or so later R. Loren pops up again (with Plotkin once again, this time mixing and mastering the album) with Pyramids with Nadja...a project that clearly incorporated vision-mates Nadja, but also brought in contributions from members of Cocteau Twins/This Mortal Coil (Simon Raymonde), Der Blutharsch (Albin Julius), Mineral (Chris Simpson), Dysrhythmia/Behold The Arctopus (Colin Marston) and Mamiffer/Everlovely Lightningheart (Faith Coloccia-Turner)...its a stunning work...layered and thick and sweet and moving...the sort of album you know folks will catch on to slowly but surely over time...much like R. Loren's talent, no doubt. Up next was a Pyramids with Nadja remix 12" featuring two more contributions, both as remixers of the PWN track "Into The Silent Waves", in the form of Ulver and Lustmord. And if that wasn't enough, then pops up yet another Pyramids project....a 5 cassette boxset featring six hours of music and so many contributions we are not even considering listing them here. The point here of all this is that R. Loren has exhibited greater organizational power and creative foresight than most artists so much as brainstorm over the course of longer careers...as Bill Murray's brilliantly portrayed character in 'Quick Change' once proclaimed so memorably..."THE MAN IS AN ANIMAL!". And he just can't be stopped. Or so it'd seem anyway. We hadn't a clue about this new project until he emailed the press release this morning for Sailors with Wax Wings...and boy oh boy are we giddy like we get when new good shit comes through the gates here. And wouldn't you know, the debut has a literal bevy of eclectic musical nutjobs (we mean that in the most respectful of ways!)...the list is sooooo long we are tempted to not spend the time to write it all out... but we know we've got to because it is impressive as all get out. Here goes: J. Leah - vocals, Ted Parsons (Swans, Jesu, Godflesh) - drums, Simon Scott (Slowdive) - electronics, Aidan Baker (Nadja) - guitar, Colin Marston (Krallice) - guitar, Vern Rumsey (Unwound) - bass, Prurient (Dominick Fernow of Hospital Productions, Cold Cave, etc) - noise / electronics, James Blackshaw (Young God Records solo artist, Current 93) - piano, Hildur Gudnadottir (Touch Records) - cello, Aaron Stainthorpe (My Dying Bride) - vocals, Jonas Renkse (Katatonia) - vocals, Marissa Nadler (Kemado Records solo artist, appears on Xasthur’s latest record) - vocals
David Tibet (Current 93) - cover art, Faith Coloccia-Turner (Mamiffer) - design, layout, painting, collage. We're waiting to hear the entire album, but so far so good...so check out the first track for yrself here thanks to Stereogum...and while you wait for their album's release on Angel Oven, do yrself a favor and check out what ol' R. Loren's been doing for the last few years....PYRAMIDS!
And since we've got this really wonderful digital download store, we've put the Pyramids stuff up for dirt cheap for the next day or so...enjoy!