Although they look like total fruitcakes on their flyer, they really do know what rock n' roll is all about...maybe you'll recognize Laurent from Pelican on the left...at the risk of inflating his already inflated ego any further, his rock knowledge runs deeper than a mofo...the other guy, Ben, is a journalist by trade so we can't sign off on his knowledge just yet but since Laurent has a pretty good taste is choosing boys to rock hard with we figure he's 'aight too.
They do Rock Gauntlet monthly at a local hang in Chicago called Sonotheque. This time around Hydra Head is the theme so we've loaded 'em up with a pile of HHR stuff including a bunch of new music from upcoming releases including Torche and Pyramids...they'll have shit to give away AND to make the whole thing that much sweeter, the kickass Chicago record store known as Reckless is doing an across the board discount on our releases this month....so, in a nutshell, see you there. Make sure you bother Laurent. Alot. The way to his heart is through the shot glass.