Hydraheadshop.com are offering a pre-order on the new Khylst CD, "Chaos is My Name". Pre-order the CD now and have it shipped the week of October 24th. We are also making a limited edition t-shirt also available for purchase. The shirt will only be available until October 9th, at which point we will stop accepting orders for the "CD/Shirt" combo (the CD will continue to be available up to the release date). As usual this is a deluxe shirt, printed on black Apparel Agent brand t-shirts. The shirt was designed in house at Hydra Head by James O'Mara using elements from the CD layout.
The artwork for this release was done by Stephen Kasner. more on his artwork and other projects can be found at www.stephenkasner.com
Invoking an aesthetic amalgam of black echoes, night sweats, and necromancy, Khanate bassist James Plotkin (Phantomsmasher, ex-O.L.D.) and vocalist Runhild Gammelsæter (ex-Sunn O))),Thorr’s Hammer) set forth on a bleak journey beset with incubi, death convulsions, and abject hopelessness. Alternately harsh and beguiling, Chaos Is My Name is like waking up in the basement hospital of Jacob’s Ladder only to realize that the permanently disfiguring abuse you’re about to endure has already taken place. The rest of your brief, excruciating life will be spent as a hideously deformed flesh puppet, flailing helplessly under the high-pitched whine of various torture devices and experimental dental equipment, while seraphim sing in the distance, never once offering you their hand.
Track Listing:
1. I (2:44)
2. II (7:50)
3. III (1:45)
4. IV (2:00)
5. V (3:53)
6. VI (7:13)
7. VII (6:16)
8. VIII (4:53)
available at www.hydraheadshop.com