He Plays Guitar in Khylst!

There has been piles of great press and reviews coming in for Khylst's debut (The Sranger, Underground Review, Hard Rock Haven, Outside Left, Smother), but they all seem to say the same thing...that James Plotkin is playing bass. Its not a huge deal by any stretch, but we feel we should clear things up just a bit...James plays guitar (and drums, and gong, believe it or not) on the new record "Chaos is My Name". For those of you that are going to be in NYC on Thursday, come and see for yourselves that he is, in fact, playing guitar. Khlyst's debut performance, and likely their only one for a while, is Thursday November 2nd at Sin-e in NYC as part of the Vice/HHR show with the totally odd pairing of Stephen Brodsky's Octave Museum, 120 Days, Panthers, Favourite Sons and Chromeo.